Monday, October 15, 2018

Six Natural Way To Reduce Bad Cholesterol

High cholesterol may mean an increased risk of heart disease. The control of your cholesterol level reduces the risk and gives you an advantage over possible heart complications. Continue reading to learn how to reduce bad cholesterol in your body and protect your heart from damage.
Cholesterol is an essential fat that is needed by the cells of your body. All cholesterol is not bad.

The good cholesterol  against the bad cholesterol 

The "good" high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol actually helps to control and control the "bad"Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) causes an accumulation of fat in the arteries and increases the risk of stroke, arterial blockages and heart disease. On the other hand, HDLs clean the blood vessels and carry LDL from the arteries to the liver. The liver breaks down LDL and is excreted as waste from the body.
To control your cholesterol levels, you need to increase your normal HDL consumption and reduce your daily LDL consumption.
Bad cholesterol kills silently because it is only discovered when serious complications occur. The only way to track your blood cholesterol is to have regular blood tests every year or every year.

Complications of hypercholesterolemia.

• Atherosclerosis, cholesterol deposition and other deposits in the arterial walls.
• Chest pain or frequent angina pectoris caused by decreased blood flow to the heart
• Pain in the brain due to blockage of the artery that supplies blood to the veins.
• Heart attack or stroke

Causes and risk factors

Here are some factors that determine your cholesterol level and also indicate your chances of high cholesterol:
• Occurrence of early heart disease in the history of your family.
• an immediate family member with high cholesterol
• Lazy or inactive lifestyle
If you have BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 or more and your are overweight
• if you have type 2 diabetes
• If you smoke
• if you are of South Asian origin.
• If you follow a diet rich in red meats, fatty dairy products and saturated vegetable fats.

Test your cholesterol

High cholesterol can lead to multiple heart complications. Therefore, it is important to control your cholesterol level through lipid profile testing. It is advisable to carry out regular tests as soon as you have passed 40 years.
The following guidelines will help you to properly assess the results of your lipid profile blood tests:
Total cholesterol: must not  be greater than 200 mg / dL
LDL: must not be greater than 100 mg / dL
For men, it must be greater than 40 mg / dL.
In women, it must be more than 60 mg / dL
* Triglycerides must not be greater than 150 mg / dl
* A type of fat that is used by the body to store energy can cause high levels of heart disease.

Home treatment for lowering the bad cholesterol level

With a few simple changes in your diet and lifestyle, you can lower LDL levels and increase blood HDL levels without taking any medications. Small changes often make a big difference over time.
With your cholesterol back on the road, you no longer have to rely solely on medications that have side effects, such as muscle pain, memory loss and increased liver enzymes.
It's time for you to make the right decision.
Here are 8 ways to reduce your bad cholesterol without medication

Method 1: Use Oatmeal

An average adult should aim for at least 30 grams of fiber per day. Including fiber-rich foods in your diet can help you achieve this. Traditional oatmeal is an excellent source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber, unlike insoluble fiber, can easily be digested by your body.
After digestion, soluble fiber binds to cholesterol and prevents its absorption in the blood. This helps to lower the level of LDL in your blood.
• Eat 1 to 2 bowls of oatmeal that are cooked daily to get a significant change in your cholesterol level over time.
• To make it more appetizing, you can also add fresh fruits and nuts.

Method 2: Use the garlic

Garlic can help you to drastically lower your LDL level. It prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of the arteries, preventing clogging of the arteries. It also prevents blood clots and reduces hypertension.

Method 3: Use cinnamon

Cinnamon not only makes your desserts delicious, but can also help to improve your bad cholesterol. According to one study, cinnamon can reduce cholesterol in your system by 18%. It can also lower your blood sugar level.
While cinnamon alone can not control your cholesterol, a good dose of this spice in your diet can help you control it.
You may use Cinnamon tea instead of regular tea.
The things you need:
• Cinnamon sticks
• Water - 1 cup
Step 1. Cook cinnamon sticks and water.
• Pour 1 cup of water in a pot and add cinnamon sticks.
• Boil the water and simmer for about 3 minutes.
Cinnamon is available in the market in the form of chopsticks or powder. You can either make cinnamon tea. If you use cinnamon powder, use one teaspoon per cup of water.
Step 2. Drain and drink the cinnamon tea.
• Filter the cinnamon tea through a sieve into a glass.
• You can drink cinnamon tea while it is still hot or let it cool down.
• A touch of honey can be added to enhance the taste.
You can also add cinnamon to your diet by sprinkling some cinnamon powder over your tea, coffee or cereal.

Method 4: Use Coriander

Coriander seeds are the seeds of the beloved coriander gravy. This spice can be used whole or in powder form. It is commonly used in curries and masalas.
This aromatic spice not only adds flavor and flavor to your dishes, it can also improve your cholesterol levels. Coriander increases the level of good HDL cholesterol and reduces the level of LDL bad cholesterol.
The things you need:
• Coriander seeds - 1 tablespoon
• Water - 1 cup
Step 1. Boil the coriander seeds in water.
• Put 1 cup of water with 1 tablespoon of coriander seed in a saucepan.
• Boil the water and simmer for about 3 minutes.
If powdered coriander is available in nearby stores, prepare this tea with 2 teaspoons of coriander powder for each cup of water.
Step 2. Drain and drink the coriander tea.
• Filter the coriander tea through a sieve.
• Your cup of coriander tea is ready.
Drink this once or twice a day.
You can also include coriander, whole or powdered seeds, in your kitchen, in your diet.

Method 5: Use onions

Onions, especially red ones, have proven to be a cholesterol-capable adversary. Quercetin, a healthy flavonoid in the outer shell of onions, balances cholesterol levels. Although quercetin is not destroyed by boiling, it can get into the cooking liquid. Therefore, it is best to eat raw onions to lower cholesterol.
If you do not want to chew this crunchy, tasty vegetable, drinking onion juice as a tonic is a good option.
The things you need:
• Onion, peeled and quartered - 1 way
• My sweetheart
Step 1. Make an onion puree.
1 onion, peeled and quartered, medium-sized in a blender.
Step 2. Extract the onion juice.
• Fold the gauze into a double layer and place it on a bowl.
• Put the onion puree in the gauze.
• Group the gauze and squeeze the juice.
Step 3. Add the honey and consume.
• Mix an equal amount of honey in the onion juice to make it more beneficial and add a little flavor.
Drink it regularly every day to influence your cholesterol level.

Method 6: Use the Exercise

Everyone knows that exercise is good for the health of the body and the heart. This is the interesting way to keep your heart healthy, which is interesting.
Maintaining healthy weight and burning excess fat is a movement-induced effect. But exercise can also help to drastically lower your total cholesterol, especially bad LDL cholesterol.
Exercise helps transport cholesterol from the bloodstream and blood vessel walls to the liver, where it is excreted or converted into bile to aid digestion. Therefore, exercise helps the body to evacuate or naturally displace cholesterol. This in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular and heart problems associated with cholesterol.
• Exercise intensively for 30 minutes daily for significant results.
• Vary your workouts with a variety of aerobic exercises that make your heart beat faster, such as running, jogging, cycling, swimming, exercising, aerobics classes or even energetic dancing.
• Add to your diet foods high in soluble fiber such as oat bran, barley, flaxseed, Brussels sprouts, beans, prunes, apples, carrots, pears and avocados.
• Eliminate trans fats from your diet because it increases bad LDL cholesterol, lowers HDL cholesterol and increases the risk of stroke and heart disease. Avoid trans fat by getting rid of fried, greasy or baked foods such as frozen cakes, biscuits and pizzas.
• Eat a handful of nuts every day. All nuts contain sterols that can help to control your cholesterol level.
• Eating fish oil and oily fish can also help you increase your good cholesterol.
• Prefer lean meat to red meat for protein intake. Legumes are also a healthy alternative.
• Spices like curcumin, ginger and black pepper can also be helpful in maintaining your cholesterol level.
• Avoid smoking, maintain a healthy weight, and consume alcohol in moderation to increase your HDL cholesterol.
• Stress and anxiety can increase your LDL cholesterol. Yoga and meditation can help you control stress and anxiety. You can also join a smile therapy to raise your HDL level.
• High levels of bad cholesterol are just one of the factors that can lead to heart disease. Diabetes, smoking, hypertension and obesity are other possible causes of heart disease that should not be ignored.